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About Us

Four friends, one passion...
...or why have we bought a house in Boulancourt

Once upon a time there were four friends with a single passion. This passion could not be described only as "climbing", because it was so much more, than that. It was a passion for a certain life-style. A life-style that started as a traveling to  beautiful climbing crags. It soon evolved into a much more complex pursuit however. 


They still traveled a lot to climb at wonderful places. But they have fell in love. They have come to love the slow life that flows through the french countryside. The perfect food and wine and the culture the French had built around it. Other friends joined them and fell in love too. This love has blossomed and has lead to a sweet fruit.

This house was the first we have visited when we started looking for our permanent climbing base near Fontainebleau. Tonio, our real estate agent, knows his job well and have lead us through the narrow path made of bushes in full bloom leading from the village square to the house. The seed was planted. The house itself, its surrounding and a very caring approach of the owners watered the seed and the large boulders in the garden and in the neighboring stretch of wood was the right fertilizer for the agreement to grow.


We have seen more houses afterwards, but we were already hooked. We hope you will feel the same when you visit. It feels like home to us and we would galdly share it with you. Please care for it as it is a very special place for us. 

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